Let's me show you some:)
Hong Kong Island

Big Wave Bay Rock Carving was first reported in 1970 by a police officer. The design shows very dynamic geometric and animal patterns with a worked surface measuring 90cm x 180cm. Like most other carvings, apart from those at Shek Pik and Wong Chuk Hang, it is situated on a headland embracing the beautiful bay. There is some evidence that early inhabitants who created these carvings depended on the sea for their livelihood. The carvings might have been intended to propitiate the power of the sea and to protect its sea-faring population.

Kau Sai Chau Rock Carving was discovered in 1976. It is located at the north-western coast of Kau Sai Island where accessibility by land is extremely poor. The design itself is badly weathered, especially on its lower half. However, a zoomorphic motif is still visible when examined closely and carefully. The worked surface is approximately 2m above the highest water mark, which is a rather low position compared to similar rock carvings.
Rock Inscription at Joss House Bay, Sai Kung. The inscription carved on the rock is dated as the cyclical year jiaxu of the Xianchun reign during the Southern Song Dynasty (i.e. the year 1274) and is the oldest dated inscription known in Hong Kong. It records a visit by a salt administration officer and his friend and gives the history of two temples at the north and south of Fat Tong Mun.
Rock Carving at Lung Ha WanDiscovered in 1978 by a group of hikers, the Lung Ha Wan Rock Carving is located on a vertical face of a badly weathered boulder facing east. The design shows geometric patterns, some may resemble stylised animals or bird forms. There is though another school of thought suggesting that it is purely the work of nature. While this academic discussion still continues, the rock carving, or pattern, has been protected under the Antiquities & Monuments Ordinance. This would allow the opportunity for it to be further studied.
Outlying Island
Shek Pik Rock Carving. Most of the ancient rock carvings in the territory overlook the sea, but Shek Pik Rock Carving is about 300m from the coastline. However, it is believed that in the past, the sea inlet might have extended up to this point. The design shows geometric patterns composed of spiral squares and circles which closely resemble those on Bronze Age artefacts. It is thus quite safe to deduce that they were carved by early inhabitants of this area in the local Bronze Age some 3,000 years ago.
Rock Carving at Po Toi Island.There had long been a local legend among the fisherfolk of the existence of several rock carvings on Po Toi Island. Finally, groups of carvings were found at the southern part of Po Toi in the 1960's. They are of different motifs and separated by a rock fracture 70cm wide. One group on the left consists of lines resembling stylized animal and fish patterns, while the other on the right is composed of spirals in an inter-locking arrangement.