Situated in Tai Hang Road on Hong Kong Island, the Tiger Balm Garden complex comprises the Tiger Balm Garden, the Haw Par Mansion and its private garden.The gardens were built in 1935 by Mr. Aw as a gift to the people who bought his ointment and made him a multimillionaire, but Mr. Aw's gift carried a message as well. All of the painted tableaux are characters from Chinese fairy tales, from myths, from history, and all, as Mr. Aw wished, are there to teach people to be good, and charitable, and to mend their ways.
The Haw Par Mansion was built in the Chinese Renaissance style with a blend of Western and Chinese construction methods and architectural theory. The plan is, however, more Western being roughly symmetrical with the adoption of porches, bay windows and fireplaces.
Internally, there are beautiful painted glass windows from Italy, carvings and mouldings, gilded with gold and murals showing Indian and Burmese influence. Over the years there have not been many changes to the Mansion, which retains its authentic appearance as envisaged by Aw Boon Haw.
